Liigu sisu juurde

It's a good idea to create the whole new department inside the police force, which is only doing only one thing, offer bribes to high ranking government and other state officials working undercover of course catched and proved guilty, the sentence for that crime starting from 10 years in prison ending with lifetime. Those arts can lead to serious personal disasters if misused tought by idiots: but of course they contain a great power and knowledge for everyone who has a competent teacher. Behavioral and visceral reactions elicited by chemical stimulation of the hypothalamus and septum in cats.

Eesti Arst, 84, 5, Allikmets, L. Injection of antidepressants in the amygdala of awake monkeys.

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Intramesencephalic injection of imipramine promazine and chlorprothixene in awake monkeys. Limbilise süsteemi kahjustuste toime rottide emotsionaalsetele reaktsioonidele ja tingrefleksidele.

Top Aapo: A farm without a mistress on its storehouse path is like a cloudy day, and gloom sits at the head of the family table like a dying autumn evening. Whereas a good mistress is the bright sun of a house, spreading light and warmth.

Influence of the lesion of amygdaloid complex on behaviour and on effects of antidepressants in rats. The effect of lithium on chronic haloperidol enhanced apomorphine aggression in rats. Life Sci. Biochemical and behavioral studies on the interferance between catecholaminergic and serotonergic central systems.

The action of chronic lithium treatment on aggressive behaviour in morphine dependent rats and in rats chronically treated with dopaminomimetics. Aggressive Behavior, 6, Allikmets, L. Dissimilar influence of imipramine micro-injections of noradrenaline, acetylcholine and serotonin into the amygdala in the cat. Vasar, E. Apomorphine aggressiveness: the role of dopaminergic and opiate mechanisms in limbic structures. Aggressive Behavior, 8, 4, 13 Allikmets, L.

Adaptational changes in GABA-B, benzodiazepine and cholecystokinin receptors elicited by long-term haloperidol administration. The effect of drugs acting on CCK receptors and rat free exploration in the exploration box. Psühhofarmakoloogiliste uuringute suunad ja tulemused Tartus. TRÜ Toimetised,vene k.

Kuidas ma saan vähendada naatriumiauru tänavavalgustuse mõju ööfotograafias?

Zarkovsky, A. Analysis of dopamine receptor supersensitivity after chronic neuroleptic treatment APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner rats. Drug Dependence and Emotional Behavior. Neurophysiological and neurochemical approaches. Plenum Press, N. Behavioral and visceral reactions elicited by chemical stimulation of the hypothalamus and septum in cats.

Zhurnal SSSR, 56, 1, vene k. Saanud: riikliku teaduspreemia, Tallinna Polütehnilise Instituudi medaliK. Kogermani medaliIisraeli A.

Einsteini riikliku medaliBaltimaade teaduste akadeemiate medali Juhendanud 14 kaitstud kandidaadi- või doktoritööd, 61 diplomiprojekti või -tööd. Minu esimesed viisteist eluaastat möödusid Vabaduse väljaku äärses Tallinna Linna Tütarlaste Kommerts- ja Kaubanduskooli majas, kus isa oli direktor. Ümberringi kees elu, mida huviga jälgisin, võimaluste piires osalesin, kõrvaloleva raamatukogu lasteosakond aga andis küllaga lugemust.

Suviti Põllkülas elasime sisse loodusesse ja külaellu, hiljem tasapisi maatöödesse aastal astusin J. Westholmi Gümnaasiumi 1. Algkoolis ja Tallinna 2. Keskkoolis Reaalkoolis.

Sõja lõpuaastatel muutus kõik pool pere lastest põgenes läände, isa arreteeriti, ema kolme lapsega jäi peavarjuta ja varata. Nüüd tuli pingutada, et elus läbi lüüa.

See ei läinud takistusteta koolilõpu kuldmedal vaidlustati, TPI mandaatkomisjon peatas sisseastumise, kui see aga siiski teoks sai, tõstatus väljaviskamine, aspirantuuri vastuvõttu ministeerium ei kinnitanud jne. Siiski sain selle aja kohta valdavalt hea hariduse tänu veel eestiaegsetele õpetajatele Reaalkoolis ja nõudlikele TPI õppejõududele õppeplaani raames, mis ühendas keemiateaduskonnas põhjalikku alusõpet insenerlike ja tehnoloogiliste distsipliinidega.

Suunatuna tööle Maardu Keemiakombinaati jäi vaid üle saada sealses keerukas olukorras hästi hakkama.

Kaalulangus Terve Tsitaadid kaalulanguse eesmarkide kohta

Tõusin ametiredelil peainseneriks, pealegi perioodil, kui järjepanu tuli käiku lasta keemiatsehhid ja ka kohe asuda neid rekonstrueerima. Sain hea insenerikooli, soov teaduspõllule pürgida aga püsis.

See sai võimalikuks, kui aastal valiti mind kui tööstuse spetsialisti TPIs keemilise tehnoloogia dotsendi ametikohale. Mahuka õppetöö kõrval tuli kohe asuda kandidaaditööd koostama, koos keemikust abikaasa Silviaga ka kodu rajama. Hilisel õhtul ja öötundidel lahutasin füüsikalise keemia laboratooriumis põlevkiviõli keemistemperatuuri järgi fraktsioonideks, need omakorda kolonnkromatograafia abil osadeks, milles broomarvu järgi määrasin küllastumata ühendite sisalduse.

Enno Siirde andis tugeva aluse keemia sidumisele protsessi ja aparatuuri kujundamisega. Diplomitöö oli Eero Rannaku ettepanekul ulmelähedane fosforiidi lagundamine kolonnaparaadis, juhtides selle suspensioonist läbi lämmastikoksiidide ja õhu segu, jättes nii kõrvale traditsioonilise lämmastikhappe saamise vahestaadiumi. Sellega oli palju nuputamist, tulemus päris usutav. Üliõpilaste Teaduslikus Ühingus tuli mul juhtida ka teaduskonna allorganisatsiooni ja koos selle juhendaja Agu Aarnaga püüda töösse kaasa tõmmata rohkem üliõpilasi.

Maardus töötades hakkas mind vaevama fosforiidi meeletu raiskamine. Kaevandatud fosforiit allutati primitiivsele rikastamisele sõelumise teel, seejärel jahvatati kuulveskis fosforiidijahuks, mille toime maaviljeluses oli tühiselt väike. Lahendust nägin kahes suunas: fosforiidi sügavamas rikastamises ja saadava kontsentraadi kasutamises efektiivsete mineraalväetiste tootmiseks. Need määrasid minu uurimuste temaatika pikemaks ajaks. Kasutades ära põllumajanduse kemiseerimise kilbile tõstmist õnnestus õige pea TPIs luua vastav 16 17 probleemlaboratoorium.

See andis kindlustunde jätkupidevuses ja võimaluse töösse kaasa tõmmata äsjaseid üliõpilasi ja noori tehasest, hiljem rajada ka laboratooriumile hoone ja see sisustada. Rikastamise suunas prooviti mitut meetodit, lõpuks langes liisk Maardus ehitatud ja peaaegu valminud flotatsioonivabriku käikulaskmisele.

Selle elluviimine põrkus aga kokku nõukogude süsteemile omaste probleemide ja barjääridega. Esiteks plaanimajandus vajas kvantiteeti tonnides, mitte kvaliteeti, teiseks tuli osaliselt renoveerida spetsiifiline seadmestik, saada efektiivseid flotatsioonireagente. Kui katsetest selgus, et NSVLs toodetavad reagendid ei rahuldanud vajadusi, lõin kontaktid Rootsi firmadega [Veiderma, ]. Tulemusena, kuigi alles ndate algusest, hakati importima häid reagente ja esmakordselt eesti fosforiidist tootma kvaliteetset fosforiidikontsentraati ning sellest omakorda topeltsuperfosfaati.

Senikaua tuli uuringutes läbi ajada laboratooriumis rikastatud proovidega. Ülaltoodud asjaoludest tingituna hakati Maardus aastal superfosfaati tooma mitte algse kava järgi fosforiidist, vaid Koola apatiidikontsentraadist. Koostöös tehasega töötasime välja ja rakendasime meetmeid tootmise täiustamiseks apatiit asendati osaliselt kergemini laguneva fosforiidiga, mis lühendas keskkonda saastavat superfosfaadi küpsemisprotsessi põhitäitja Jüri Truusa ; superfosfaadi graanulite tugevust tõsteti põlevkivituha lisamisega Anu Kuusk ; superfosfaati rikastati mikroelementidega.

Granuleeritud NPKkompleksväetise saamine superfosfaadist, karbamiidist ja kaaliumkloriidist enam tootmisesse ei jõudnud [Aasmäe jt, ]. Superfosfaadi tootmise heitgaaside ja -vete puhastamise tahksaaduste utiliseerimiseks selgitati võimalus regenereerida nendest fluori ja APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner silikogeeli Tiit Kaljuvee. Uuringud TPIs toimusid kolmes suunas: looduslike fosfaatide koostis ja omadused, nende lagundamine hapetega ja termiline töötlemine mineraalväetiste ja -söötade saamise eesmärgil [Veiderma, ].

Uurimuste ajalises dünaamikas võib eristada kaht suundumust ühest küljest vastavate materjalide, süsteemide ja protsesside alusuuringute süvendamine, teisalt rakendusuuringute arendamine kuni tööstuslike katseteni välja.

Süvendanud teadmisi APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner omandanud kogemusi protsesside uurimisel fosfaatide keemia ja tehnoloogia heterogeensetes süsteemides tahkis-vedelik-gaaslaienes tööde temaatika ajapikku ka teistele süsteemidele, peamiselt keskkonnakaitse, põlevkivi ja energeetika valdkonnas.

Generating the Brief Profiles

Head nõu sain oma kandidaadi- ja doktoritöö juhendajalt akadeemik Semjon Volfkovitšilt. Tulemuste avaldamine NSVL keskajakirjades ja konverentsidel läks kasvavalt üle nende esitamisele rahvusvahelistes teadusajakirjades ja -konverentsidel.

Sain fosfaatide uurijate rahvusvahelise pere liikmeks. Sellega seotud tegevus tipnes XI rah- 17 18 vusvahelise fosforiühendite konverentsi korraldamisega aastal APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner [Veiderma, Aaviksaar, ]. Uuringud looduslike fosfaatide koostise ja omaduste alal olid pikemat aega kesksel kohal, laienedes ja süvenedes proovide kollektsiooni täienemisega ja uute uurimismeetodite rakendamisega. Toorme eripära tundmine oli nii selle töötlemise uurimise suunamise kui ka tulemuste erinevuse seletamise eeldus.

Uuringud algasid Eesti fosforiidi fosfaatse aine võrdlemisest teiste fosforiitide setteliste apatiitide omaga. Erinevalt varem levinud seisukohast fosfaadi ja karbonaatide esinemisest fosforiidis individuaalsete faasidena näitasime, et fosfaat kujutab endast reeglina B-karbonaatapatiiti, milles PO 4 -ioon, sõltuvalt fosforiidi tekke tingimustest ja hilisematest muutustest, on enam-vähem kindlas hulgas asendunud CO 3 -iooniga.

Mida rohkem on CO 3 -iooni apatiidi struktuuri sisenenud, seda madalam on võre regulaarsus, seda kõrgem fosfaadi poorsus eripindlahustuvus keemilistes reagentides ning otsene omastatavus taimede poolt.

Need näitajad koos võetuna moodustasid hea aluse looduslike fosfaatide uuele süstemaatikale. Eesti fosforiidil on suhe CO 3 :PO 4 fosfaadis üks madalamaid fosforiitide hulgas moolsuhtena ca 0,1 ja seetõttu nimetatud omadused avalduvad nõrgemini kui laialt levinud mugulfosforiitide puhul.

Analüütiliste tööde käigus identifitseeriti ja määrati fosforiidis kvantitatiivselt lisandmineraalid sõltuvalt maardlast ja rikastusastmest, samuti mikrokomponentide, sh haruldaste muldmetallide sisaldus. Seoses termilisel töötlemisel leitud erinevustega koonduti hiljem Põhja-Euroopa Soome, Rootsi, Loode- Venemaa endogeensete apatiitide uurimisel F- ja OH- APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner ja nendevahelise vesiniksideme dünaamikale.

Ka tööstuslikud katsed viidi välismaa tehastes edukalt läbi. Seetõttu looduslike fosfaatide hapetega lagundamise uurimisel koonduti kontsentreeritud fosfor- ja liitväetiste ning nende tootmise vahesaaduse fosforhappe saamisele. Uurimused haarasid põhi- ja lisandmineraalide lagunemise kineetikat väävel- ja fosforhappega, faasianalüüsi, erinevaid tehnoloogilisi lahendusi, tahkfaasi fosfokipsi eraldamist suspensioonist, toorme koostise mõju selgitamist, katseid lähtefosfaadi mehaaniliseks aktiveerimiseks jne.

Osutati erinevustele fosforhappe saamisel Eesti fosforiidist, määrati tingimused topeltsuperfosfaadi tootmise evitamiseks fosforiidist, kui seda lagundada Koola apatiidist saadud fosforhappega. Fosforiidi lämmastikhap- 18 19 pega lagundamise uurimisel selgitati protsessi komplitseerivad asjaolud lämmastikoksiidide eraldumine ja intensiivne vahuteke reaktoris, mille vältimiseks püstitati piirangud toorme koostisele ja lisati reaktsioonisegule karbamiidi. Selgitati võimalus sel puhul saada nitrofoskat ja nitroammofoskat, eraldada fluori ja haruldasi muldmetalle.

Uuriti ka eelneva Fat Burner PT FEMEI või termokeemilise rikastamise mõju looduslike fosfaatide töötlemisele hapetega ning selgitati fosforiidierimid, mille puhul see on tulemuslik kaltsiidi, dolomiidi, püriidi, orgaanilise aine sisalduse korral või vastupidi võib komplitseerida protsessi mõned ränimineraalid. Kõige mahukama ja tulemustelt uudsema osa looduslike fosfaatide töötlemisega seotud uurimustest moodustas nende termiline töötlemine fosforväetisteks ja -söötadeks [Veiderma, c].

Jätkates ndatel Tartu Ülikoolis Jaak Kuuse poolt teostatud katseid alustasime Eesti fosforiidi hüdrotermilise töötlemisega, tegime võrdluskatseid Koola apatiidiga, hiljem koondusime uuele toormele Kovdori ja Siilinjärvi Soome maardla apatiidile.

Uuriti fosfaadi fluorärastuse kineetikat ja difusiooni osatähtsust selles, reaktsiooni tasakaalu ja kemismi loodusliku toorme ja puhaste ühendite kasutamisel, faasimuutusi ning sulamiskarakteristikuid, matemaatilisi seoseid, saaduste lahustuvust jm. Arvestades reaktsioonitemperatuuri C ja toorme sulamistemperatuuri lähedust ning protsessi madalat intensiivsust tahkise statsionaarses olekus tuli välja töötada uued lahendused protsessi stabiilseks ja intensiivseks läbiviimiseks.

H 2 O kuumutamisel: nca h 2 PO 4 2. See kutsus välja vajaduse mahukateks alusuuringuteks eesmärgiga APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner puhastes süsteemides vesinikfosfaatide dehüdratiseerimist, mono- ja polüfosfaatide ning apatiidi, fluoriidi, karbonaatide, silikaatide ja alumosilikaatide vahelisi termoreaktsioone [Pyldme jt, ; Veiderma jt, ].

Granuleeritud segu töötlemine keevkihis võimaldas reaktsioonitsoonis hoida 19 20 ühtlast temperatuuri, vähendada difusioontakistust ja viia protsessi läbi kõrge intensiivsusega. Laboratoorsete uurimuste ja arvutuslike tööde alusel anti välja lähteandmed pooltööstusliku tsehhi 0,5 t fosfaati tunnis projekteerimiseks, mis ka Maardus valmis ehitati. Põhiseade kujutas endast kahe keevkihiga reaktorit, mille ülemises kihis toimus lähtesegu ettesoojendamine, alumises segu töötlemine üheaegse maagaasi põletamisega kihis.

Universe bless us all. Yesterday while having our walk After those 19 minutes and burpees felt like 2. Today did a Kundalini yoga kriya to calm and stabilize the mind and a medication suitable for that kriya.


Felt like real bless after yesterdays hellish experience : Today is one of those London weather days- everything is wet and humid and chill creeps into bones.

It snowed a little yesterday and melt today. So the prison is melting and inside a foggy cloud. Its also one of those days, when focusing on something useful helps to get by. So will go and read something that will give me a new piece of knowledge : Really hope, that you and all my other friends are Ok out there, when saying words of prayer into the silence of the Universe in early morning or late night, always remember about You all, Universe to guide us all.

First good news of the day was that local Cristian chaplan Justinus came APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner seehad a refreshing one and a half hour teological dispute.

Have to honour him, the guy is dedicated, he truly believes what he says and is as open minded as he can be. So what a finding for this establishment. It is a race where mankinds fate is tied to the winning horse- should greed and destruction win, so we die with that win. Should unselfishness and generation win then we prosper. God universe is looking at that race as a statist and gives generously what we deserve, depending on what horse we arrive at finish : In a sense of society we have been going backwards since the tribal times in stone age.

This was the best society of humanity since the dawn of man to this day. As histoy and science tell us in stone age tribal society the means clothes and food etc. In general APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner did what they could and shared the outcome. Nobody could behave really badly, because for real bad behaviours there was only one punishment and that was expelling from the tribe wich meant death.

Tribal order is a form of society we have to take as an example. By the way Jews know APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner advantages of that order better than anyone, in Israel there are a lot settlements which live in tribal way, if remembering correct the Israelis cibbut or something like that : Even the Jews living in big megapolises still remanin are united community. Which is the most prospering nation of the world- without any doubt the Jews : Did today during the walk a cross fit training, 20 minutes- Push ups starting from 12, abdominals laying on the back, starting from 12, 12 pushups, then 12 abdominals, 11 and 11 and etc.

It means together pushups and abdominals. After that remembered m arts. Exhausting but satisfying. On saturday the Kryia for strenghtening the immune system and the meditation that goes with it. Yoga opens the deeper angle for looking at things.

That means we spend our nights in almost airless tank : Having asthma it means that in the morning the feeling is comparable to a fish's on a bottom of the emty pond : At night and especially in early mornings strange thoughts come in this quiet airless space, everything starts to look in more darker colours. Science says APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner when the brain does not have enough oxygen it starts to ring all alarm bells possible and for that the anxiety and total error comes : Later when doors are open or while having our 1 hour walk in fresh air and the meter of oxygen in body is back to normal again laughed more than once on surreal airless thoughts :.

The deepest and the darkest monsters and thoughts and fears crawl out from the dephts of the soul while there is no oxygen to Lihtne kaalulangus nou, it is a good training for the mind actually. Whoever goes through that for hours and hours daily will become stronger, calmer, more focused and determined. That is of course if one takes it as training, if one takes it as torture, it can break :.

The airless state of body and mind also gives a better view of fears- which are reak and wich are not. Non oxygen state also makes one value here and now, it is important to live and survive here and now, tomorrow moves further away. It was snowing for the few days, worked hard to clean the walking area on the roof. There are 16 boxes and a common coridor up there, so when snow is even 5 cm thickit's quite an effort : Work Kuidas kahjustada rasva naol a cleaner of the walking areas for half a year now.

It gives an additional hour of fresh air every day work 1 hour daily for the asthmatic lungs it's a bless. Anyway it's a prison policy that everybody works and if you don't then they are considered as part of criminal subculture and put into solitary without books except religionalTV, personal belongings and you don't have right to training and the use of prison shop. You are closed for 23hours daily, the only time you go somewhere is a walking hour. Do work in the walking areas because first of all my asthma suggests that fresh air is essential : But also want to read, study, train and eat normally.

Most important really is, that takes the ace out of administration's hand, they can't say anything about the subculture, belonging to criminal organization or something else similarily ridiculous : Working or not working plays a heavy role in court when early parole is decided. Most of those who work go out and those who don't stay. In the end it's a personal choice for everybody, chosed reading, training studying and getting out of this establishment as early as possible : And of course it is a question of the day which way you are more humiliated criminal subculture says that working for administration is humiliating working an hour daily and living as good as possible here or staying basically naked stripped out of everything in solitary.

DYOR Utrust (UTK) - teave Utrusti kohta

Universe to bless! On weightlifting machine on saturday, the exhaustion still feels all over. Started to read Stephen Hawking's "Universe in a peanut shell" It' published in and it's just amazing how much science has gone forward since then. Try to keep pace with the newest discoveries and there are things Hawking did not have a clue about in and yet they are common knowledge.

The following properties have been highlighted as critical: C — This substance was identified as a carcinogenic i. More information about carcinogenicity here. M — This substance was identified as Mutagenic i. More information about mutagenicity here.

And Hawking is one of the greatest minds ever lived on a planet. We already know so much about the universe, galaxies, exoplanets, dark matter and etc, and yet we understand so little about ourselves and how we should merge into greater picture : Convinced by now that the greatest Kaalulangus Clemson SC ever fought goes on every day between two ears of every member of the Human race: Our greatest enemy looks at us from a mirror.

Turning that enemy to allie means the greatest victory of all times. Our brain is kind of supercomputerwhatever orders the owner gives it, whatever algorhythms are written on screen and the enter button is pushed, it follows willingly and with precision: Right now we are on step away of pushing Delete as a species.

All we need to do is write more love and compassion, careing and understanding into the algorhythms of our brain and we move from the "Delete" button. If one works with himself daily it's quite easy to change the attitude towards the fellow man, the Earth and Universe in general.

But one have to work on his attitude daily. We need to win this battle between two ears, and we'll be living in paradise soon: Universe to bless! It took a great effort to start writing again, but when the first lines appear on the paper it opens something inside too, so science seems to be right, reading and especially writing is essential for brain training. Brain is just a muscle of the body like any other- biceps or triceps, if you train the muscles of the body it grows strong and flexible, not doing anything means degeneration.

IT is exactly the same for the brain, using it, putting new information into it, working with that information and analyzing the outcome gives the brain possibility to evolve, to create neuronal connections. If you don't use your brain, it just goes It says learning foreign languages can even stop Alzheimer and other brain deseases to appear if learned in older age. So it is Christmas time coming and that is Tervislik kaalulangus kupsised time for meditation in this place.

Thinking APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner everyone and everything whats dear, letting through what went wrong and what went right, imagining the future in desirable way to the smallest details : Finished the Sephen Hawking book and it occured how long way we have come from the stone age and how little we still know: Most of the theories about the Universe and it's birth are just theories and have no proof whatsoever : So APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner real easy - Universe is alive and will give us anything we desire, we just have to careful what we wish for It's snowing again, everything gets covered with white blanket and starts to look nicer that it usually is : After reading Swami Saradananda's "THe power of breathing" started to realize again how important right breathing really is.

Have learned marshal arts for most of the life and right breathing is an important part of any marshal art, but it seems that you have to breathe right only during the lesson and afterwards you forget all about it again : Yoga explains how important it is to control yourbreathing throughout your day. Oxygen is a catalyzer for every process in body starting from digesting food and ending with training.

Shallow superficial breathing will not let your body to function properly, the processes happening in it are shallow aswell, while deep breathing gives you full power of your body and mind.

Here in this place it is especially easy to forget all about it, it doesn't take much effort to lay on the bed or sit behind the table, so you have to remind yourself to breathe properly : Started to go through Sun Zi's "Art of war" on more time. This edition is for military college and has a prologue of Chinese history, customs and etc.

The time master Sun lived 6th century BC was a time for an endless fight between little kingdoms within Chinese territory. As always - than more weathier the kingdoms grew than bigger armies they had and than bigger their appetite for warfare went : Really it should be the opposite- than wealthier than more peaceful. It's quiet here during holidays more quiet than usual so have more reason to look inside and form new ideas, let go old insults and arguments, think of loved ones and give birth to the plans for future.

There is something to be reminded to everybody on the planet-humanity wanted to rule over Mother earth for so long, starting from the dawn of Man. Now we've had it for some centuries and look where our rule has taken us, human rule just kills the planet, more to it-it kills the man too together with the planet. Many religions tell us that we are helpless and every step that we take is predetermined, hell that is a big fat LIE.

Every single one of us can do something to make a life on earth more friendly for environment for ourselves, for every living being on Earth starting from APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner on the field and ending with the eagle on the sky. Personal experience tells that the future is constantly changeing and depending from our actions, not written in stone million millions of years ago. We asked the bold position of the ruler of the Earth from Universe God and we got it, so let us be great -hearted rulers under whose rule the Earth will prosper and blossom.

Kuulsad tahed Kaalulangus GW rasva poleti

To all of my dear ones, to everyone on planet Earth-love, compassion, wisdom, and happyness! Let us all hope together, that Universe forgives us our sins and keeps us blessed and more importantly - let us all do something good to earn that forgiveness bless:!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Been a member almost two decades, so this was a tough decision. But it had to be done. Learned over the years that pretending to belong where you really don't is a bad option.

It's been brewing inside for a long time, final decision came yesterday. Today called the deacon of the congregation and told that the Church can excommunicate. The Deacon is a childhood friend who's always been supportive, well stay friends anyway.

Had time to read APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner meditate inside prison walls for almost two years now and than more did so than bigger the disruption. In conclusion- Your humble servants God is the Universe and the religion Universeism probably the only member so far : Guess even the world is new.

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Being part of the Universe God permits to expel all intermediets in communication with Him Her : One cannot get absolution of sins by believing in somebody else, one can only get it by believing in Oneself. After one has dealt with his her actions and forgiven himself herself one gets absolution from Universe God aswell. Have the forgiveness for today, so universe to absolve and bless!

Been actually a good Arevuse kaalulangus juuste valjalangemine. Solved many puzzles that looked real headaches at first, learned things that looked impossible at first : For the last ten days did a Kundalini yoga kryia with attached meditation every day.

Those ten are taken from Liina Ravneet Elvik's book "Kundalini yoga". That was the first time when did them in one row, effect is real good, puts the mind on a higher frequency:. For the speed and power been doing the same HIIT series during the walk, been avoiding the weightlifting machine because the lack of air is noticeable everywhere inside. THis year a wonderful woman came back and is staying so far :straightened relations with Christian religion and Estonian Tax Department, learned to do new excercises and meditations of kundalini yoga, went through a whole lot of fascinating books, startin with the Quran and Norman Doidge "Changing Brain" and ending with the New Testament and Stephen Hawking's "Universe in a nutshell" and found out to witch religion do belong.

THat is without a doubt a list of success and it goes on : Found some real good physical excercises this year aswell The whole HIIT training is quite APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner Sent a letter of notice to European CPT comission about wrongdoings of this facility and got an answer wich said that it will be attached to CPT-s report to the Estonian government : That is quite a lot for a supermax prison, everyone has to agree: And all that thanks to Universe God whose guiding breath feels all the time and to the loved ones who's support is a real value- Thank you all!

Thanks to the Universe for this year, already the next will be even better! In a war a farmer saved a life of a Chinese emperor and emperor said that the farmer can have any reward that he wants.

The farmer noticed a fancy chess table in emperors room and said: "I ask is that You double those fifteen pieces of grain which I put here on the first square of the chess table and total after 64square is a suitable reward. Emperor said: Hah, you could have asked anything and asked just for some grain, but ok. So they started counting: 15 on square 1, 31 on square 2, 63 on square 3, on square 4, on square 5, on square 6, on square 7, on square 8, on square 9, on square 10, on square 11, on square 12, on square 13on square 14 and so on Soon emperor understood that not China nor the whole world doesn't have that amount of grain and that his been tricked.

He became very sad. But the farmer said : I'll take only all that You have and leave YOu one bag for the spring as APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner : THe farmer was content and the emperor relieved that he could still fulfill Tiger Fat Burner promise : Knowledge, good emotions, skills and everything we desire are like grain- you have to put 15 on the table square and universe puts 31 to the next : Universe to bless!

Will put down few words daily as promised for more than a year now : Took a pen today because delaying seemed a bad option. There are so many thoughts in the head that it's hard to decide where is a start of them, so the easy way is to write them down as they come.

Master Sun was a really wise man, so apprehending the text takes time:. Read today from a scientific magazine that our Sun had a twin in his early days 4. THey say that a little twin wonders around somewhere near. And that is the reason why Earth gets hit with large asteroid in every APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner million years. How much of it is theory and how much a fact doesn't come forward in and article but the work article bases on belongs to the scientists of Harvard university, so has to be quite serious.

Made think how little we still know about even our own solar system, not to speak of the others : But if we don't blow ourselves up or poison ourselves to death, we still get to the knowledge in the end : Still doing one Kundalini kryia a day with attached meditations. Started to run some minutes during the walk. Steps Poletamine Stress Fat be controlled and soft because the floor is concrete, but its good for the heart and blood circulation.

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Happy new year for everybody! Wish that good dreams come true, bad dreams go away and we'll dream ourselves into better future this year!

Kaalulangus Coaching minu lahedal Keha rasva kaotuse maar

Future is changeing constantly depending on what we do today and how we visualize tomorrow, so let us do good today and see the better tomorrow : Universe to bless! He doesnt owe anything, we just spent time together and always had themes to talk about that interested both sides- starting from sports and women ending with politics and religion.

THe point is that he remembered, even sent money. Those who really have obligations, turned away hoping that time makes everybody forget and forgive. Those who dont have any obligations remember and help In this place one gets to know who his friends really are : Those two years has given a wonderful opportunity- stripped out of everything and gave a clear slate start.

Every time thinking of it makes to bow in gratitude. Learned in life many things, did a lot, but these years have opened a new whole universe : Doing every day some breathing excercises from the Power of Breathing and Kundalini Kryiawith meditation, eating less meat and sugar, today is an offloading or reloading day when only drinking water: Staying without food for 24 hours reloads the body, gets it time to clear.

Reading Bhagavad Gita, hinduistic view of things is interesting. Every good philosophy or practice in the world basically says same things - only by letting go the earthly desires, by totally controlling all senses and the mind true knowledge starts to uncover. To go from here, let's say openly that capitalism as a social Kaalulangus aneemiaga or form of society is a fatal failure, maybe one of the greatest failures of a mankind.

Capitalism is built on greed for a material-money and things what you can buy for money, that kind of foundation cannot be a base for a happy societi. Basically capitalism is a contest that can be named. THe winner is the one who has more money and the things in the moment of death.

Scientists say that when Man was still a hunter and gatherer back in the Stone age and there was a tribal order in societyAPS Valge Lightning Fat Burner amount of time man used to spend on maintaining was four hours daily!

Today tens of thousands of years later in our superorder society the man has to work eight hours daily and even that is nor correct- to consider getting to work and coming back from it and how much an average man thinks about work while off work is more correct to say that today the man lives as a slave of work. Authorisation Candidate List — indicates if the substance is included in the candidate list of substances of very high concern SVHCs.

The Candidate List includes substances that are subject to additional protocols and reporting obligations and which may eventually be included in the Authorisation list, further limiting their use. These substances cannot be placed on the market or used after a given date, unless an authorisation is granted for their specific use, or the use is exempted from authorisation. The Restriction list describes the conditions for the manufacture, placing on the market or use of certain substances, either on their own or in mixtures or articles.

The regulation aims to protect human health and the environment by banning or severely restricting the production and use of persistent organic pollutants in the European Union. List of substances proposed as APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner - Indicates if the substance has been proposed for its inclusion in the Stockholm Convention or if a proposal is under preparation in the European Union.

The goal of CLP is to make sure that hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union through a system of classifying and labelling of chemicals. The BPR addresses the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms, APS Valge Lightning Fat Burner pests or bacteria, by regulating the active substances contained in a biocidal product.

Kuid vaata: päikese laskudes on tal leivad lae all, varras varda kõrval täis laotud leibu, kust värsket hõngu alla hoovab. Ja siis, kui mehed metsast tulevad, ootab neid aurav õhturoog pestud laual. Kuid kus on perenaine ise? Seal õues lüpsab ta jälle oma kõverasarviseid elajaid liibu kohal õõtsub kihisev, vahune hari. Kuid ta töö ning toimetus pole veelgi ots: I lädaldamata tõuseb ta öö jooksul oma asemelt iga tunni, i: xilmapilgu järel, tõuseb oma lapsukest äiutama, kes seal kätl nutta häälitseb.