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Roller massage devices combine the effects of slimming massage and the healing effects of lymphatic massage. In other words, the procedure stimulates the lymphatic function that helps to remove toxins from the body and improves metabolism, reduces tissue swelling and helps to fight disorders of the lymphatic system such as cellulite. Procedure Rullmassaaži protseduur jooksul võetakse sisse viieteist erinevat asendit.

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Contact us at info exclusiveshape. The lymph nodes monitor the lymph flowing into them and produce cells and antibodies which protect our body from infection and disease. Beautiful Me rollmassage will help you give your lymphatic system the boost it needs to ensure your body functions like it should!

Menu Roller massage Decus Beauty Clinic offers roller massage which provides good results. Roller massage is a favourite among doctors and coaches, because the results are also good for the health. The functioning of the lymphatic system in the body is very important, and its failure may be the cause of many health problems. Roller massage devices combine the effects of slimming massage and the healing effects of lymphatic massage.

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