Liigu sisu juurde

The US embassy in Tallinn said the Estonian team's contribution was "highly valued and that the need for such capability is likely to increase". Üllataval kombel on kogu Poola poliitiline eliit selle eesmärgi nimel ühinenud ning end loosungi all "Kas Nizza või surm" lahinguvalmis seadnud. The Finnish government has been forced to slash its alcohol duties, effectively cutting the retail price for booze by 20 percent, in a bid to halt Finns from stocking up in the low-cost neighboring country after its EU membership. Lahendus on tuttav ja hõlmab menetluste keerukuse vähendamist ja teatud lihtsustamist.

Teisest küljest ei saa me toetada lepingut, mis viivitamata kehtetuks tunnistatakse, kui see toob kaasa kahjulikke tagajärgi. This is quite problematic, as it entails far reaching amendments to criminal proceedings in the Member States. See on üsna problemaatiline, sest eeldab liikmesriikide kriminaalmenetluse ulatuslikku muutmist.

Sliming Down Process

I believe this to be an extremely problematic issue because it entails the privatisation of legal rights. Pean seda väga suureks probleemiks, sest see kätkeb seaduslike õiguste erastamist.

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Seetõttu on vaja kindlaks määrata läbipaistvuse saavutamise tingimused. The Commission proposal entails only EUR 60 million. Komisjoni ettepanekus on ette nähtud ainult 60 miljonit eurot. It is an enormous asset in terms of our image and, at the same time, it entails major economic and social benefits.

See Sliming Down Process väga suur eelis meie kuvandi jaoks ning samal ajal tekitab see olulist majanduslikku ja sotsiaalset kasu. Ever increasing consumption entails ever increasing work to pay for it, and ever more time spent at work. Tarbimise pidev kasv tähendab omakorda tarbimise rahastamiseks vajamineva töömahu kasvu ning tööaja pikenemist.

The solution is a familiar one and it entails slimming down procedures and simplifying them to some extent. Lahendus on tuttav ja hõlmab menetluste keerukuse vähendamist ja teatud lihtsustamist. Although this is not a linear process, it often entails the relocation of labour intensive and digital based activities. Kuigi see ei ole lineaarne protsess, on see sageli seotud töömahukate ja digitaalsete tegevuste ümberpaigutamisega. It goes without saying that the job of a banker entails taking risks but those risks must be controlled.

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EurLex-2 Oils, roots and decoctions for medical or pharmaceutical purposes Ravi- ja hügieeniotstarbelised ja õlid, juured ja tõmmised, tmClass The decoction is again pumped back into the main mash. Katlas olev osa meskist pumbatakse taas ülejäänud meski juurde.

The list will be a short one and individual member states will be able to add to it, as Britain and Germany already do. In February the British list Sliming Down Process states whose nationals were judged to have no case for claiming asylum included all 15 EU members, the 10 states due to join next year, plus Albania, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Jamaica, Macedonia, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania and Serbia and Montenegro.

Afp, Reuters, 2. Kolleegid praegustest ja tulevatest liikmesriikidest võtsid ettepaneku suhtes pooldava seisukoha ning otsustati luua töögrupp projekti eesmärgipärasuse uurimiseks.

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See ettepanek puudutab eelkõike kolme riiki - Itaaliat, Hispaaniat ja Hollandit, kes teevad ettevalmistusi sõjaväelise politsei loomiseks. Kuid ka Poola, Belgia ja Saksamaa on projektist võrdselt huvitatud. Vastava üksuse loomine, mis Prantsusmaa nägemuse kohaselt võiks koosneda tuhandest mehest, pakub huvi liidule tervikuna.

Sliming Down Process

Näiteks Bosnias tegutseb alates aasta algusest Euroopa politseinikku. Laurent Zecchini, Le Monde, 5.

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Kuid Prantsusmaal mõistetakse, et ilma Suurbritanniata ei õnnestu tõhusa sõjalise koostöö loomine, ning mõistetakse ka seda, et nende plaanid realiseeruvad kõige varem järgmise põlvkonna ajaks. Suurbritannial oleks ettepaneku kohaselt juhtiv roll ELi sõjalise valmisoleku arendamises. Plaani mõte on vähendada USA kahtlusi projekti suhtes.

Suurbritannia paistab olevat uue suunaga nõus.

Sliming Down Process

Maija Lapola, Turun Sanomat, 4. Liidu julgeolek on kui pabertiiger, sõnadel puudub igasugune kate. Kaitsesüsteemi ehitamine on aastatepikkune protsess. Erkki Jääskeläinen, Turun Sanomat, The EU has set Turkey a series of targets on political and economic reform, and will hold a review in December If it is satisfied with Ankara's progress, it could then set a date for opening talks on accession to the Union.

Afp, 5.

Sliming Down Process

The EC, which will next month publish updated assessments of candidate nations and the 10 states due to join next May, has often highlighted corruption as a key problem in ex-communist countries.

The new reports are due to be published on November 5. Bulgaria has so far concluded negotiations on 25 out of 31 chapters.

Sliming Down Process

The dossier covers political and economic criteria for EU membership as well as the country's ability to undertake commitments arising from EU membership. The Commission's conclusions are to be passed to EU members in early Croatia is hoping to catch up with Bulgaria and Romania and join the EU in Kuchma said Ukraine should instead use other trade blocs to boost growth, playing to fears the country could Sliming Down Process back into Russia's sphere as the EU prepares to expand its borders eastwards.

Artikli autor leiab, et EL astuks suure sammu edasi võttes Türgi liidu liikmeks ning nihutades ühenduse Sliming Down Process Iraagi, Iraani ja Süüriani.

Türgiga kaasnevad islamimõjud rakendaksid positiivset mõju juba liidu piirides elavale 12 miljonile moslemile. Autori hinnangul on praegu arutlusel olev Euroopa peaks tema arvates ajaloolise sammu astuma tunduvalt varem.

Jonathan Power, International Herald Tribune, 2. Solbes warned the French budget for was "not enough to correct the excessive deficit" run up by France, which is in breach of the euro-zone deficit limit of 3. Sellest teatas Prodi Leedu presidendile Rolandas Paksasele. Interfax, 1. Paljud Saksa firmad ootavad juba seda hetke, mil kaubanduse ja investeeringute jaoks viimased piirid kaovad. Üks kolmandik DAX-firmasid näeb 10 uues liikmesriigis suurt tähtsust kas oma toodangule uue tootmispinna või kaubandusliku vaheplatvormi näol.

Beatrix Wirth, Die Welt, Doris Heimann, Handelsblatt, The protocols were signed in a ratification ceremony in the same room at the presidential palace where the Warsaw Pact between the Soviet Union and its satellite states was created in But the door remains open, not closed and there is a clear prospect ahead for this country," Robertson told journalists during a farewell visit before he leaves his post later this year.

This re-evaluation will include "changes to Russia's nuclear strategy," the document said.

Sliming Down Process

Afp, Interfax, 2. Just 20 percent of the 1, Finns polled for the survey said Finland should join the US-led defense alliance, 63 percent were against, while 17 percent were undecided. Interfax, 4. Interfax, Endine Rootsi peaminister Carl Bildt tuletab meelde nö "Läti juhtumit", kuna Lätis on vene vähemuse osakaal märkimisväärne.

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Kuid Läti suutis tulla toime olukorras, kus seitsmes riigi suuremas linnas on etnilised venelased enamuses. Aadria Harta eeskujuks on Eesti, Läti ja Leedu kohustusid selles tegema koostööd regionaalprobleemide lahendamisel.

Vähesed uskusid toona, et Baltikumis rakendub edasiminek sellise kiirusega nagu see on toimunud. Tod Lindberg, The Washington Times, Burns rõhutab nendest piirkondadest tulenevat terrorismiohtu, mis on suunatud nii USAle kui Euroopale.

Et ennast kaitsta, tuleb nendes piirkondades kohal olla. NATO missioon Afganistanis avas suursaadiku arvates ukse uut tüüpi julgeolekuarusaamale.

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Burns toonitab ka koostöö vajadust Venemaa ja Ukrainaga ning mitmete Kesk-Aasia riikidega. Raskuseks on aga NATO nõrk ühtsus. NATO otsusteks on vaja nimelt konsensust.

Bitte Hammargren, Svenska Dagbladet, Estonia, which is taking part in the talks which start in Rome on the draft as one of the 10 future members of the EU, wants to maintain its veto rights over taxation, so as to keep its zero-rate corporate income tax from reinvested profits. Estonia also opposes the EU plan to slim down the number of MPs the Sliming Down Process nation can send to the European parliament, and maintains the principle of one EU commissioner per member state.

The newspaper said the government's plan to end the work of the Estonian team Sliming Down Process Bagram was driven by a lack of resources as well as a shortage of explosive ordnance disposal specialists and sniffer dogs at home. Local officials said the number of bomb disposal experts and sniffer dogs had been established for domestic needs, rather than international missions.

The US embassy in Tallinn said the Estonian team's contribution was "highly valued and that the need for such capability is likely to increase".

Estonian foreign policy shapers said they opposed the government's plan to end the mission. Marko Mihkelson, head of the parliament's foreign affairs committee, said the move "would create uncomfortable foreign policy questions for Estonia".